
Sirta hosts the core group of instruments defined in the insu label (renewed in 2019) and hosts 16 families of instruments comprising some fifty sensors. These are active and passive remote sensing instruments and in situ sensors, under the scientific responsibility of eight laboratories. The road implementation of these measurements is ensured by the Sirta LMD/IPSL team and the CAE team (experimental atmospheric chemistry) of the LSCE (in close collaboration with Ineris), with the support of the technical teams of the instrumental managers of the Ineris, Inrae and Météo-France laboratories. 

Five families of instruments are under the scientific supervision of a National Observation Service (SNO Clap and Photons). Nine families of instruments operate according to the protocols established in the European framework of the Actris-EU IR. Meteorological variables and turbulent flows are controlled within the national framework of Actris-FR. 

Table of Contents