Cloud Remote Sensing Community Annual Workshop
ACTRIS Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES) organises an online workshop on May 26th 2023
ACTRIS Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES) is happy to organise an online workshop on May 26th 2023. The target audience for the workshop is the Cloud Remote Sensing community, including manufacturers and other stakeholders who are not necessarily part of ACTRIS.
More information about the meeting, agenda and registration will be communicated shortly.
For now, some of the subjects foreseen are:
- Scientific highlights
- EarthCare Cal/Val activities
- Update on ACTRIS / E-profile / PROBE instrument working groups
A training session will be proposed on labelling Step 1A for NFs.
Stay tuned!
Information dates and times
Friday 26th of May, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 CET